The “Dheera” is a Telugu action thriller film movie released in theaters on 2 February 2024. The film directed by Vikranth Srinivas and starring Laksh Chadalavada, Neha Pathan, Soniya Bansal, Himaja, Samrat Reddy, Bharani Shankar. Here we’re going to talk about the important parts of this movie includes the story/plot, release date, trailer, where to watch and the talented cast in it. Read our review to know more how movie is this.
Movie | Dheera |
Language | Telugu |
Screen | 2D |
Release Date | 2 February 2024 |
Star Cast | Laksh Chadalavada, Neha Pathan, Soniya Bansal, Himaja, Samrat Reddy, Bharani Shankar |
Country | India |
Genres | Action, Thriller |
Director | Vikranth Srinivas |
Music | Sai Karthik |
Producer | Laksh Chadalavada, Padmavati Chadalavada |
Cinematographer | Kanna P.C. |
Production Company | Sri Tirumala Tirupathi Venkateswara Films |
Ranadheer (Laksh Chadalavada) is a professional driver. He only does what he can do when he is offered money, regardless of the gravity of the situation. Doctors gives him the job of transporting patients who is suffering from Vizag towards Hyderabad. The doctor Amrutha (Neha Pathan) as well as an anesthesia physician accompany the patient. Through this process, the Ranadheer learns who the patient really is. a prominent person. Who is this patient? What is his history? Did he complete the mission? This is the gist of the tale.
The cast of Dheera movie are not big but full of talented actors. You’ve got new faces, and they all do a great job. Every character feels real, which makes the story even better. With all these talented people in the movie, it’s no wonder Varshal is going to be a big success. The cast delivers solid performances, with standing out in their roles.
Laksh Chadalavada appears elegant in his rugged look and performed all the scenes of action in a well-organized way. The comedy scene with the goons is just at the right time and is a source of laughter in the theater. Even when the sequences do not have sufficient substance, Laksh covers it up by his presence. The second part has certain key moments which keep the story moving. While the main storyline is repetitive however, the important revelation scenes can be watched.
Sai Kartheek’s songs are well composed, and are produced perfectly. Neha Pathan does a good job as a character and looked great on the screen. The action sequences are well thought out. Himaja is okay for CM’s P.S. Dheera does not cause a lot of boredom, due to the crisp editing.
In conclusion, Dheera is a one-man-show produced by Laksh that focuses more on action scenes. Laksh is decent in his character and the second part was filled with decent scenes. The plot is a bit predictable and the first part isn’t as exciting, with some not-so-interesting romantic scenes. If there had been a proper combination of emotional and action elements, the final result would have been better. Don’t miss out on seeing it! The film earns a rating of 2.5 out of 5 stars.
Related FAQs
What is the released date of Dheera movie ?
Dheera movie was released on 2 February 2024.
Who is the Director of Dheera?
Vikranth Srinivas
Who are the actors in Dheera?
Laksh Chadalavada, Neha Pathan, Soniya Bansal, Himaja, Samrat Reddy, Bharani Shankar